This job, entrusted by the EMPEDOCLE S.c.p.a. project company to the Temporary Association of Companies between Generale Prefabbricati Spa Parent Company and GED Srl required the installation of a beam field for the production of elements of length up to 46 ml.
The beam field of “cast in situ” is producing prefabricated beams for modernisation works on the four lanes of SS 640 “Porto Empedocle” state motorway, Agrigento – Caltanissetta itinerary, first lot, from km 9+800 to km 44+400.
The project involves the use of 650 ml overall of prestressed reinforced concrete, I -section beams and 6,360 ml overall of prestressed reinforced concrete boxed V-section beams.  After launching, the entrusted works also include post-tension operations for the ensuring of continuity of the decking.